Tag: Washington DC
A Depressing Three-peat
I have been in the DMV for the past three inaugurations and have attended none. In 2016 I arrived a day ahead of The Women’s March to see oddly silent and empty streets. In 2020 Covid kept crowds home after the unthinkable request that people not attend ceremonies since it was a pandemic. Today the… Read more
Pondering Peace
Tonight I went to a vigil for Israel. Four days and the pain is still as constant as the numb feelings, the shock. New details every day highlight more horror. Kidnapped grandparents, decapitated babies, the sheer numbers. It seems too outlandish to even write as fiction. Despite the horror I’ve seen in the online discourse,… Read more
I Thought Wisdom Came with Age
Today I watched the senate judiciary committee hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the doctor who has accused him of sexual assault, PhD Christine Blasey Ford. There is a lot I could say. There is a lot I have said. I believe Dr. Ford is a hero. I believe Brett Kavanaugh was… Read more
Thank You: From Taking to the Streets to Talking in the Streets (1/22/17)
To the grandma on the metro in the pink kitty cap, thank you. Thank you for smiling and nodding at me across the train as if we were sisters, because we are sisters. To the middle aged woman who looked at me on the street corner, thank you. Thank you for asking me if I… Read more
National Book Festival 2014
The National Book Festival was today in DC. I attended for the second year in a row. Perhaps it was more apparent this year, as the venue was indoors rather than out on the national mall, but the festival was incredibly well attended. I sat through four packed presentations and spent the rest of my… Read more
The Government is shut down. At least that’s what it says on the news. Thanks to all the friends who have asked how I’m doing but as of right now, living in the DC area, the metro is still running and I can get to class. It is not a disaster on a personal level,… Read more