
The Government is shut down. At least that’s what it says on the news. Thanks to all the friends who have asked how I’m doing but as of right now, living in the DC area, the metro is still running and I can get to class. It is not a disaster on a personal level, though the situation is embarrassing in general.

I, on the other hand cannot shutdown, I am working at full speed. Midterms have arrived, my first as a graduate student and, as it was in my undergrad days, everyone wants their papers the same week or so (a few even on the same day). Though, unlike undergrad, the papers are much much longer. My first workshop is next week. I have to write a fiction piece, as I do in general, and then hand it over to my class for a critique. It’s as if we writers like to punish ourselves. We put our heart and soul down on paper and then, on bended knee, hand it to a group and say simply, “judge me.” We will see if I survive the ordeal.

In good news though, Agents of Shield has started on ABC. Comic book fans, it’s a must. Hopefully I can catch up once these papers are through.