Our news

  • Curiosity

    So, the Curiosity Rover is safe on Mars now and is already sending back color photographs. That’s pretty cool right? I think so. As a space geek (who would’ve loved to work for NASA except for my unfortunately poor math skills) this is the best news I’ve gotten in ages. Mars was always my favorite…


  • Cover: Part 3

    When I went into Barnes and Noble recently I remember looking at the YA fiction section and noticing that a lot of the book covers were what I like to call “photoshopped”.  That’s not supposed to be denigrating (after all, the We Are Savages cover went through a little photoshopping itself) but it’s just what I call…


  • Cover: Part 2

    So, a few more things about the cover. 1) It was hand illustrated (in soft pastels, as already mentioned) 2) It was drawn at a much larger scale than it appears 3) It took the illustrator about 3 weeks to finish Have any questions about the cover art? Feel free to leave comments below


  • Cover: Part 1

    Do you like the cover to “We Are Savages” ? because I do  I love it.  Here’s a little bit about it: The cover was drawn in soft pastels.  I didn’t even know those were a thing until the cover was drawn.  I only knew about oil pastels that came in a kiddy art set I…