Thank You: From Taking to the Streets to Talking in the Streets (1/22/17)

To the grandma on the metro in the pink kitty cap, thank you. Thank you for smiling and nodding at me across the train as if we were sisters, because we are sisters. To the middle aged woman who looked at me on the street corner, thank you. Thank you for asking me if I …

A Night of No Returns

“I’m scared,” they say. This is what I’ve heard from my friends, people who voted like me. They are not angry or sad. The loudest noise has not been a noise at all, but silence. Our democracy has always been full of heated argument, lying, scheming, profanity, change, ingenuity, and passion. Now there is only …

The Void

You must feed the void or it will feed on you. That is what writing is. It is standing on a precipice, staring into an endless hole with no guarantee, no possibility really, that you will ever be able to fill it up. And while the void is deep enough already, if you wait, if …

Day Jobs

I have a full time job and then some. It has been about eight weeks since I took the position after completing my MFA degree in Creative Writing. And I now no longer have time to write everyday. It is often frustrating, probably adds to some of my sleep issues and exhaustion, but I will …

New Year New Reads

Happy 2015! I’m sure everyone plans to read more this year (don’t know that we will, but it’s nice to dream) and I have my first suggestions. My friend Daniela has just translated her debut novel into English, and it’s available for digital download on If you love fantasy (and a good deal) try a …

National Book Festival 2014

The National Book Festival was today in DC. I attended for the second year in a row. Perhaps it was more apparent this year, as the venue was indoors rather than out on the national mall, but the festival was incredibly well attended. I sat through four packed presentations and spent the rest of my …


The Government is shut down. At least that’s what it says on the news. Thanks to all the friends who have asked how I’m doing but as of right now, living in the DC area, the metro is still running and I can get to class. It is not a disaster on a personal level, …