Category: History
A Depressing Three-peat
I have been in the DMV for the past three inaugurations and have attended none. In 2016 I arrived a day ahead of The Women’s March to see oddly silent and empty streets. In 2020 Covid kept crowds home after the unthinkable request that people not attend ceremonies since it was a pandemic. Today the… Read more
You Gotta Believe
I have taken a day to grieve because it has been nine years since a World Series appearance, and my whole lifetime, and then some since a World Series win. But I can now say that this was the definition of a Mets season and the reason baseball is (in my opinion) the best sport… Read more
Actions vs. Words
What I remember from a year ago today is working. I remember answering emails with the January 6th insurrection on in the background. I remember being horrified and distracted, but still working. Even more than that, I remember getting up the next morning and still going to work as if everything was normal. My boss,… Read more
Watching Live
In the last hour my brother has called me. My mother has called me. My grandmother has called me. It is not my birthday. It is not because I won the lottery. It is not New Years or Hanukkah. They are all calling to make sure I am safe. They are worried because I live… Read more
The Jewish New Year on Zoom
Waiting for the moment you are allowed to sit down during a Yom Kippur zoom service highlights how much we depend on one another for our customs, cues, and daily actions. Without the old guard sitting down around me I’m very alone and don’t always know what to do, when to rise and when to… Read more
How The Pandemic Has Changed Me
I pay attention to how much toilet paper I use and how many times I have to go during the day. I check my hold list at the library as often as I check my email. I have paid for nothing but rent, insurance, and food since social distancing began. Over 60% of my necessities… Read more
I Am A Millennial
March of 2020 has seen a lot of us glued to our Twitter feeds or 24 hours news cycle, as a pandemic becomes the headline of the day. While a lot of the news coverage has been problematic, one particular type of article has been making the rounds recently due to the yearly celebration of… Read more
Happy Birthday Jackie Robinson
Today would have been Jackie Robinson’s 100th birthday. He passed away almost twenty years before I was born, and yet, I’ve been an obsessive fan all my life. I don’t remember ever not knowing who Jackie Robinson was, thanks to my grandfather who grew up in Brooklyn and shared both his knowledge and love of the… Read more
I Thought Wisdom Came with Age
Today I watched the senate judiciary committee hear testimony from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and the doctor who has accused him of sexual assault, PhD Christine Blasey Ford. There is a lot I could say. There is a lot I have said. I believe Dr. Ford is a hero. I believe Brett Kavanaugh was… Read more
Timing and Age: The New Voices from Parkland Florida
I remember where I was when I heard about Sandy Hook. I was in a cubicle working my first job out of college. When I heard about Parkland it was almost the same, still a cubicle just a different office. I always think of Sandy Hook’s Noah Pozner because he was a twin, like me.… Read more